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Data Analytics Major

School of Science and Engineering

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Program Contacts

Mathematics & Statistics Department

Aaron Montgomery
Coordinator, Data Science & Analytics
(440) 826-6823,

Computer Science Department

Andrew Watkins
Chair, Computer Science Department
(440) 826-2396,



The data analytics major is an interdisciplinary program that equips students with the skills needed to unlock the power of data and become indispensable contributors to their organizations. This rigorous program combines the technical skills involved in data work with training in business and communication to empower students to provide data-based insights to their organizations.


From high-level strategic decisions down to individual clicks on websites, nearly every facet of a business involves data. In the coming years, the collection and utilization of data will be an important determining factor in a company's success, and data analysts will play an integral part in decision-making.

If you excel in math or have an interest in using code to make a valuable contribution to the business world, BW's data analytics program offers the perfect foundation.

What Can You Do with a Data Analytics Degree?

Employers are looking for candidates with the knowledge and skills to address the unexpected problems that confront their organizations. Earning a bachelor of arts in data analytics can open a number of doors for you after graduation. You can pursue opportunities in almost any field, as the skills you learn in data analytics can be applied in different organizations and industries. Below are just a few examples of roles you can pursue after graduation.

  • Data analyst - Use statistical techniques to analyze data and interpret results to others.
  • Business intelligence analyst - Identify ways to turn data into value for your organization.
  • Market analyst - Research clients and market conditions to guide the direction of your organization.
  • Quantitative analyst - Apply statistical techniques to problems involving risk management.
  • Data scientist - Gather large datasets and develop tailored models to answer important business questions.

Data Science vs. Data Analytics

BW offers data analytics and data science majors, both of which feature many common courses and goals, but with some key differences between the two programs. Your professional goals and career path will help determine which major is the best fit for you.

The data analytics degree places a more targeted focus on applications of data to business contexts, while the data science degree gives students more technical preparation in mathematics and computing.

If you are unsure about which program you would like to pursue, the similarities in the two majors allow you to easily switch from one to the other, especially early on. Below you can see how the two fields overlap, as well as some distinct differences.

Data Science vs. Data Analytics

Courses required for the B.A. in data analytics but not for the B.S. in data science include:

  • BUS-358 (Business Communication)
  • BUS-365 (Business Analytics)
  • CAS-263 (Special Topics in Communication)

Booming Career Field

Data Analytics Job Growth
The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that fields hiring data analysts will grow at a rate of 14 to 25% by 2030.

Problem Solving

BW's data analytics program has been designed to incorporate opportunities to solve real-world problems. You will learn more than technical skills - you will employ highly developed reasoning to inform strategic decisions.

Explore Your Interests

As a data analytics student, you will pursue your passions while developing the necessary skills to enter an in-demand job market and are encouraged to complete a minor and a capstone project in another field of interest.



为了将数据技能应用于有意义的问题, 完成数据分析文学学士学位的学生将通过选择数学和计算以外的首选学科领域来履行BW对艺术和科学教育的承诺.

该计划的欧博allbet为基础的性质将给你一个有价值的, 全面的经验,同时帮助你建立一个投资组合,向未来的雇主展示你的工作.

Learning Outcomes


  • 展示获取、转换和分析数据的相关编程技能.
  • 运用适当的数学和统计技能分析数据.
  • 使用道德上负责任的方法分析和解释数据.
  • 运用技术技能分析和理解至少一个应用领域的数据.
  • Work successfully in groups.
  • 将数据驱动的结果传达给各种各样的受众.
  • 将数据技能应用于面向业务的环境.
  • 开发适合非技术受众的数据驱动的见解.

Key Data Analytics Courses

  • DSA-201(讨论会):可重复的1学分研讨会
  • DSA-301(实习):在这门课程中,学生将以团队形式为BW社区成员或外部合作伙伴完成一个有意义的欧博allbet.
  • DSA-470(实习或暑期研究经历)
  • DSA-494 (Senior Capstone Project)



In addition to the courses above, 学生将完成外部学科的一系列课程,这些课程旨在为该学科提供足够的深度,以提出和回答有意义的数据导向问题. 鼓励学生利用这一点去探索另一个领域的激情. 你可以从BW的众多学科中选择:

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Business
  • Health Sciences
  • Science
  • Social Science

Moreover, 学生可以选择与他们选择的领域的教师合作创建个性化的课程序列. View all areas of concentration.

Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.



我们相信学生通过处理数据和解决问题的实践经验学习效果最好. 从数据科学与分析导论的第一周开始, 您将通过编写代码来解决问题,并在整个课程中与教师的支持指导下建立技能.


数据分析课程中的大部分实践学习将以欧博allbet的形式进行, 哪些将被组合成你可以用来向潜在雇主展示你的技能的作品集. 您还可以通过完成该领域的高级顶点欧博allbet来探索对外部学科的兴趣.

顶点欧博allbet有潜力成为展示您在编写代码或构建模型方面的技能的签名作品集, 你的沟通能力和你的学术兴趣范围. Whether you want to study biology, communication or philosophy, 你将被鼓励通过数据的镜头去探索你的激情. 


大多数数据分析课程将在BW的最先进的技术中进行 Knowlton Center. 这所学校的教室配备了现代技术设备, 舒适的公共区域座位和无数可供协作的空间. 您还可以访问数据可视化实验室, 哪个以大屏幕为特色,旨在促进团队合作和分享想法.



The BW Choose Ohio First STEM Scholars Program 对秋季即将进入鲍德温华莱士大学的一年级学生或转学生以及对数据分析感兴趣的俄亥俄州居民开放吗. 学生有资格申请该欧博allbet,该欧博allbet还提供“选择俄亥俄第一”奖学金, awarding substantial annual, renewable scholarships.


While the data analytics program is new, 许多BW毕业生已经完成了相关领域的学习, including mathematics, cybersecurity analyst, 应用数学或计算机科学,并成功地找到了与数据相关的工作.

许多BW校友目前都是数据科学家, data analysts, business intelligence analysts, quantitative analysts, and software developers, working for companies such as KeyBank, Proctor & 甘布尔、克利夫兰诊所、乔安等等.

作为BW数据分析专业的学生, 作为实习和实习要求的一部分,你将建立一个专业联系网络,并获得处理数据的宝贵经验. 如果他们选择的话,这个欧博allbet的毕业生将能够很好地找到工作或继续他们的学习以追求更高的学位.


Laura Croyle

Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Kentucky

Laura Croyle

Navneet Grant

Assistant Professor

Navneet Grant

Aaron Montgomery

Coordinator, Data Science & Analytics
Ph.D., University of Oregon

Aaron Montgomery

Brent Strunk

Ph.D., Purdue University

Brent Strunk

Andrew Watkins

Chair, Computer Science Department

Andrew Watkins

Full-Time Faculty

Aaron Montgomery
Coordinator, Data Science & Analytics
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Oregon

Brent Strunk
Chair, Mathematics & Statistics Department
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Purdue University

Andrew Watkins
Chair, Computer Science Department
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Kent, UK

Laura Croyle
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Melissa Dennison
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Illinois

Navneet Grant
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
DBA, Cleveland State University