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School of Social Sciences

(440) 826-2161



The criminal justice major offers diverse career opportunities in corrections, law enforcement, law and courts, juvenile justice, casework, victim advocacy, corporate security and asset protection.

The interdisciplinary nature of this major helps you understand the psychological, sociological and political factors underlying criminal and delinquent behavior and critical issues within the criminal justice system. Coursework includes criminal justice as well as psychology, political science and sociology. It offers outstanding preparation for employment as well as graduate or professional school studies.

Through BW's program, you'll gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills that prepare you for a career in law enforcement, courts and corrections. You'll gain insights, strategies and professional practices that can be readily applied to real-world situations.

Complementing BW's comprehensive, rigorous curriculum are rich experiential learning opportunities that include internships, professional mentoring opportunities and co-curricular organizations like the Criminal 正义/社会学/法医 Science Club.

BW's 20-minute proximity to Cleveland puts you within easy access to impressive networking, internship and career-focused opportunities at criminal justice agencies. BW also brings practitioners to campus to recruit students and help you prepare for your career.

The criminal justice program has created a pipeline to employment with internship and career opportunities with local, state and federal agencies. Our faculty also keep an extensive database of alumni who work in federal positions and are available for networking.

Career Opportunities

  • Federal law enforcement (with additional experience)
  • Law enforcement at local, county and state levels
  • Juvenile justice positions
  • Juvenile and adult probation/parole
  • Institutional corrections - jails and prisons
  • Laws and courts (some positions require a law degree)
  • Victim advocate
  • Intelligence analyst
  • Crime lab

Popular Major for Law School

Criminal justice offers relevant undergraduate preparation for students interested in attending law school, especially those aspiring to become prosecutors or criminal defense attorneys.

Transfer Student Opportunities

Criminal justice is offered as an affiliated program for students transferring from community colleges. Students transferring to Baldwin Wallace after completion of an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in law enforcement, criminal justice or police science will be awarded up to 62 semester hours of transfer credit as criminal justice majors if the AAS degree is from Cuyahoga Community College or Lakeland Community College. An AAS degree from an institution other than those mentioned will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


A comprehensive, 跨学科的欧博allbet, 刑事司法包括警务等关键领域的课程, 犯罪学和受害者学, 以及心理学的相关课程, political science, 社会学与统计学. 它分为大修和小修两门.

对法医学感兴趣的人, 刑事司法课程中还有一门法医学辅修课程. 在刑事司法机构实习可以提供第一手经验和社交机会.


  • 熟悉与刑事司法系统的三个主要子系统-执法有关的知识体系, 法庭和惩教
  • 培养从跨学科的角度(心理学)理解和分析刑事司法关键问题的能力, sociological, 以及政治影响)
  • 熟悉刑事司法系统内的职业机会,并为这些机会做好充分准备
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


体验式学习将课堂学习与现实世界的机会联系起来. 你可以通过实习加强你的学习, 课外活动和其他学习机会包括:



通过教育和社会活动, 该组织为学生提供了在刑事司法和社会学领域获得经验和接触的机会.


At Baldwin Wallace, 你将在一个充满挑战和激励你走向成功的支持性社区中体验个人和职业的成长.


  • 联邦“特工”包括:
    • 联邦调查局
    • U.S. Secret Service
    • 国防部
    • 酒精、烟草和火器
    • 缉毒局局长
    • Postal Inspector
    • 国务院
    • U.S. 海关及边境保护
  • Police officers
  • Chiefs of police
  • Detectives
  • 县副警长
  • 公设辩护人,检察官
  • Probation officers
  • 成年假释官
  • 青少年感化主任
  • Victim advocates
  • FBI analysts
  • 修正军官
  • Pre-sentence调查人员
  • 州公路巡警
  • 公司资产保障
  • BCI犯罪实验室的探员和分析师
  • Case workers


"After BW, 我就读于北极星职业中心警察学院并毕业,自2016年以来一直是克利夫兰地铁公园的一名警察. 我喜欢这个场地,因为每次预订都有独特的东西,每天都有新的挑战. 目前,我在自行车单位,仪仗队,最近成为了一名BAC机器操作员.

“除了建立一些很棒的关系, BW奠定了社会理论的基础, case law, 以及适用于该领域的实践技能. 它还通过提供独特的学习机会,帮助我巩固了我想在刑事司法领域工作的地方, field trips, 实习经历. In the future, 我希望成为我所在部门和周围警察学院的讲师, 还有读研."


David Tran '11

“从BW毕业后,我在州立鲍灵格林大学获得了理学硕士学位. Currently, 我是一名特别探员,专注于复杂的刑事调查,涉及各种违反美国法律的行为.S. 刑事法规-与各行各业的个人互动,协调调查,帮助我的社区,为受害者伸张正义.

“鲍德温华莱士让我为充满挑战的时代做好了准备,让我在专注于任务的同时能够灵活应变. BW提供了许多独特的领导机会和经验,让学生能够在进入“现实”世界之前磨练自己的技能. BW一直致力于教授批判性思维以及如何从不同的角度进行工作, 在这个职业领域取得成功的必要技能是什么."


Carol Gregory


Carol Gregory

Brian Monahan


Brian Monahan

Julie Newcamp


Julie Newcamp

Theron Quist


Theron Quist

Full-Time Faculty

Carol Gregory
Director, Criminal Justice Program
Ph.D., University of Delaware

Theron Quist
Assistant Director, Criminal Justice Program
Chair, Sociology Department
Ph.D., University of Arizona

Brian Monahan
Ph.D., University of Delaware

Julie Newcamp
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Purdue University